How Xanax Addictions Develop | Illinois Xanax Addiction Treatment

How Xanax Addictions Develop

developing xanax addictionXanax is the brand name for alprazolam and belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. The drug is typically used for sedative purposes. It’s often prescribed to patients dealing with mental health issues like panic disorder and anxiety. Doctors may also prescribe it to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, feelings of depression, and relief from other health issues. If you find yourself unable to stop taking the medication, you may need help at a rehab facility for Xanax addiction. Northern Illinois Recovery Center can provide a range of therapies in its addiction treatment program to help individuals heal.

Is Xanax Addictive?

Xanax is a fast-acting form of benzodiazepine medication, meaning it only takes a short amount of time for the brain to start feeling its effects. For that reason, people can become addicted to Xanax. Doctors typically do not recommend taking Xanax for an extended period. The longer you take the drug, the more likely you may form a Xanax dependency.

Your body can become physically and psychologically reliant on Xanax. If you start realizing that you may have issues with Xanax dependency, it’s a good idea to seek out the help of an addiction specialist who can help wean you off the medication. Trying to break free of a Xanax addiction without support can lead to you eventually relapsing.

How Does Xanax Affect the Brain?

Most people with a Xanax prescription have already been diagnosed with some form of mental health disorder. Even people who take Xanax as prescribed can end up forming a dependency. That’s because the brain starts building up a tolerance to your standard Xanax dosage. When that happens, you might see the symptoms of your mental illness return.

If you panic and upping your Xanax dosage to counteract the symptoms, you can cause your brain to become even more reliant on Xanax. When you try to stop taking the drug, your mind can respond by producing psychological withdrawal symptoms like:

You may also find yourself experiencing the following side effects when you go through Xanax withdrawal, including:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Sweating
  • Body aches
  • Vomiting
  • Convulsions

Signs of Xanax Abuse

xanax abuse signsYou are more likely to develop a Xanax addiction if you take more than the prescribed dose or take it more frequently than your doctor recommended. Some people exacerbate the problem by taking alcohol and Xanax, which can lead to a dependency on both substances.

Common signs of addiction that appear in people who may have a substance use disorder tied to Xanax include:

  • Issues at school or work
  • Neglecting family obligations
  • Becoming preoccupied with getting or taking more Xanax
  • Getting into dangerous situations because of Xanax abuse
  • Continuing to abuse Xanax even when it leads to personal and financial problems
  • Trying and failing at attempts to stop taking Xanax
  • Experiencing cravings for Xanax
  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking Xanax

It is possible to overdose from taking too much Xanax, especially if you are taking it along with alcohol or other drugs. People who chew up or crush the pills can be more vulnerable to an overdose. Signs that you may be overdosing on Xanax include:

  • Signs of confusion
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Problems breathing
  • Difficulty maintaining your balance
  • Weakness in your muscles
  • Passing out
  • Slipping into a coma

Getting Help For Xanax Addiction

Many people find it hard to break free from a Xanax dependency. Northern Illinois Recovery Center provides therapeutic services that provide you with the tools needed to overcome your addiction. People with a more severe dependence may benefit from the following programs and therapies:

If you’re ready to start working toward recovery from a Xanax addiction, call Northern Illinois Recovery Center at 855.786.1978.

How Xanax Addictions Develop

developing xanax addictionXanax is the brand name for alprazolam and belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. The drug is typically used for sedative purposes. It’s often prescribed to patients dealing with mental health issues like panic disorder and anxiety. Doctors may also prescribe it to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, feelings of depression, and relief from other health issues. If you find yourself unable to stop taking the medication, you may need help at a rehab facility for Xanax addiction. Northern Illinois Recovery Center can provide a range of therapies in its addiction treatment program to help individuals heal.

Is Xanax Addictive?

Xanax is a fast-acting form of benzodiazepine medication, meaning it only takes a short amount of time for the brain to start feeling its effects. For that reason, people can become addicted to Xanax. Doctors typically do not recommend taking Xanax for an extended period. The longer you take the drug, the more likely you may form a Xanax dependency.

Your body can become physically and psychologically reliant on Xanax. If you start realizing that you may have issues with Xanax dependency, it’s a good idea to seek out the help of an addiction specialist who can help wean you off the medication. Trying to break free of a Xanax addiction without support can lead to you eventually relapsing.

How Does Xanax Affect the Brain?

Most people with a Xanax prescription have already been diagnosed with some form of mental health disorder. Even people who take Xanax as prescribed can end up forming a dependency. That’s because the brain starts building up a tolerance to your standard Xanax dosage. When that happens, you might see the symptoms of your mental illness return.

If you panic and upping your Xanax dosage to counteract the symptoms, you can cause your brain to become even more reliant on Xanax. When you try to stop taking the drug, your mind can respond by producing psychological withdrawal symptoms like:

You may also find yourself experiencing the following side effects when you go through Xanax withdrawal, including:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Sweating
  • Body aches
  • Vomiting
  • Convulsions

Signs of Xanax Abuse

xanax abuse signsYou are more likely to develop a Xanax addiction if you take more than the prescribed dose or take it more frequently than your doctor recommended. Some people exacerbate the problem by taking alcohol and Xanax, which can lead to a dependency on both substances.

Common signs of addiction that appear in people who may have a substance use disorder tied to Xanax include:

  • Issues at school or work
  • Neglecting family obligations
  • Becoming preoccupied with getting or taking more Xanax
  • Getting into dangerous situations because of Xanax abuse
  • Continuing to abuse Xanax even when it leads to personal and financial problems
  • Trying and failing at attempts to stop taking Xanax
  • Experiencing cravings for Xanax
  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking Xanax

It is possible to overdose from taking too much Xanax, especially if you are taking it along with alcohol or other drugs. People who chew up or crush the pills can be more vulnerable to an overdose. Signs that you may be overdosing on Xanax include:

  • Signs of confusion
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Problems breathing
  • Difficulty maintaining your balance
  • Weakness in your muscles
  • Passing out
  • Slipping into a coma

Getting Help For Xanax Addiction

Many people find it hard to break free from a Xanax dependency. Northern Illinois Recovery Center provides therapeutic services that provide you with the tools needed to overcome your addiction. People with a more severe dependence may benefit from the following programs and therapies:

If you’re ready to start working toward recovery from a Xanax addiction, call Northern Illinois Recovery Center at 855.786.1978.

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