What Is Holistic Addiction Treatment? | Addiction Treatment IL

What is Holistic Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse and addictionwhat is holistic treatment are complex issues that can arise from various physical, emotional, and social factors. Each person has a unique journey through life and requires an individualized plan to address their wants and needs. As we understand more about addiction—how it happens and what impact it has on someone’s life—it is clear that it is a multifaceted issue that needs a compassionate, holistic approach to treating it.

A holistic treatment approach essentially means that it treats the whole person. We understand that addiction is not simply a medical issue, so it doesn’t work to treat only a person’s body. It is also not simply a mental health issue, so therapy alone is not usually enough to support someone’s journey to sobriety. Instead, a successful treatment program must incorporate care for the person’s body, mind, and spirit to give them the best chance of staying sober for the long term.

At Northern Illinois Recovery Center, we take a holistic approach to treatment for substance use and mental health disorders and keep the whole person in mind when developing treatment plans.

What Holistic Practices Are Used in Addiction Treatment?

A holistic approach to substance abuse treatment aims to connect or align a person’s mind, body, and spirit. Some commonly-used practices include:

  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Reiki/other energy work
  • Meditation

These holistic practices are used to heal the body and soothe the mind and relieve some of the physical symptoms of withdrawal. They allow people to identify their own strengths and coping mechanisms and support a sense of grounding. Practices that promote relaxation can help people feel safe and comfortable as they address their addiction’s underlying causes. Holistic treatment can increase a sense of self-worth and improve self-esteem. Using these techniques can give people a better chance at achieving sobriety and maintaining it for the long-term.

What Role Does Mental Health Have in Addiction Treatment?

Mental health issues are often a contributing factor to substance abuse, and the effects of some substances can make the symptoms of mental illness harder to manage. When treating substance abuse, it is important to understand the whole person. Each person must receive individualized care that considers their past, present situation, and hopes for the future. Part of understanding how to treat someone holistically means untangling their mental health issues from their substance abuse and treating both of these issues.

Many commonly-used holistic treatments have a positive effect on the symptoms of mental illness. They can provide calming and centering sensations, and many allow people to gain more control over their thought patterns. Taking care of the body and mind is important, and a holistic approach works well for many people as they work towards recovery and sobriety.

What Evidence-Based Approach Has the Best Results?

holistic treatment resultsIt is not enough to focus on only the physical aspects of substance abuse and addiction. To give people the best chance at recovery and to allow them to live healthy, full lives, they must be treated as whole beings who belong to a community. Holistic rehab programs do not ignore the evidence-based approach of medical detox and therapy. Instead, the holistic approach weaves other supportive practices into traditional treatment programs to treat the whole person. Together, this range of approaches lets people participate in their recovery fully and gives them a chance to process their physical and emotional changes in many ways.

When people are supported fully and provided thoughtful, holistic care, they are more likely to gain the tools they need to stay sober and live full, self-directed lives as part of their community.

Learn More about Holistic Addiction Treatment at Northern Illinois Recovery Center

Treating the whole person will provide the best results for a person struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues. The experienced therapists at Northern Illinois Recovery Center have developed a broad range of programs and services to treat the mind, body, and soul, including:

To get more information about the holistic treatment options or any other life-saving treatment programs available to you or a loved one at Northern Illinois Recovery Center, call 855.786.1978 or reach out using the online form.

What is Holistic Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse and addictionwhat is holistic treatment are complex issues that can arise from various physical, emotional, and social factors. Each person has a unique journey through life and requires an individualized plan to address their wants and needs. As we understand more about addiction—how it happens and what impact it has on someone’s life—it is clear that it is a multifaceted issue that needs a compassionate, holistic approach to treating it.

A holistic treatment approach essentially means that it treats the whole person. We understand that addiction is not simply a medical issue, so it doesn’t work to treat only a person’s body. It is also not simply a mental health issue, so therapy alone is not usually enough to support someone's journey to sobriety. Instead, a successful treatment program must incorporate care for the person’s body, mind, and spirit to give them the best chance of staying sober for the long term.

At Northern Illinois Recovery Center, we take a holistic approach to treatment for substance use and mental health disorders and keep the whole person in mind when developing treatment plans.

What Holistic Practices Are Used in Addiction Treatment?

A holistic approach to substance abuse treatment aims to connect or align a person’s mind, body, and spirit. Some commonly-used practices include:

  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Reiki/other energy work
  • Meditation

These holistic practices are used to heal the body and soothe the mind and relieve some of the physical symptoms of withdrawal. They allow people to identify their own strengths and coping mechanisms and support a sense of grounding. Practices that promote relaxation can help people feel safe and comfortable as they address their addiction's underlying causes. Holistic treatment can increase a sense of self-worth and improve self-esteem. Using these techniques can give people a better chance at achieving sobriety and maintaining it for the long-term.

What Role Does Mental Health Have in Addiction Treatment?

Mental health issues are often a contributing factor to substance abuse, and the effects of some substances can make the symptoms of mental illness harder to manage. When treating substance abuse, it is important to understand the whole person. Each person must receive individualized care that considers their past, present situation, and hopes for the future. Part of understanding how to treat someone holistically means untangling their mental health issues from their substance abuse and treating both of these issues.

Many commonly-used holistic treatments have a positive effect on the symptoms of mental illness. They can provide calming and centering sensations, and many allow people to gain more control over their thought patterns. Taking care of the body and mind is important, and a holistic approach works well for many people as they work towards recovery and sobriety.

What Evidence-Based Approach Has the Best Results?

holistic treatment resultsIt is not enough to focus on only the physical aspects of substance abuse and addiction. To give people the best chance at recovery and to allow them to live healthy, full lives, they must be treated as whole beings who belong to a community. Holistic rehab programs do not ignore the evidence-based approach of medical detox and therapy. Instead, the holistic approach weaves other supportive practices into traditional treatment programs to treat the whole person. Together, this range of approaches lets people participate in their recovery fully and gives them a chance to process their physical and emotional changes in many ways.

When people are supported fully and provided thoughtful, holistic care, they are more likely to gain the tools they need to stay sober and live full, self-directed lives as part of their community.

Learn More about Holistic Addiction Treatment at Northern Illinois Recovery Center

Treating the whole person will provide the best results for a person struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues. The experienced therapists at Northern Illinois Recovery Center have developed a broad range of programs and services to treat the mind, body, and soul, including:

To get more information about the holistic treatment options or any other life-saving treatment programs available to you or a loved one at Northern Illinois Recovery Center, call 855.786.1978 or reach out using the online form.

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